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Best Practice #6: Using tags to organize candidates
Best Practice #6: Using tags to organize candidates
Written by Minh Tong
Updated over a week ago

So far, in this Best Practice series, we have shared with you simple tips on the topics of:

Be honest, do you regularly spend time trying to locate candidates on our dashboard? Do you have trouble looking for specific candidates only but can’t seem to remember the entire list or always wonder if you’re missing out on any? 

Don’t worry, we have all been there. Candidate management skill requires learning and mastering. If you want to improve your candidate management skill on our web app, one of the first things we recommend recruiters to do is to master the Tag feature (i.e: candidate-labeling). It’s a small, subtle yet powerful feature that when utilized smartly, will help you greatly in organizing your candidates. 

In this Best Practice #6, we will take a deep look at the feature and offer tips on how you can best utilize it to easily manage your candidates according to your personal needs.  

About Tags

The tagging feature is a part of the candidate dashboard in the Event or Prospect menus that allows recruiters to group candidates into categories, making your list more organized and easy to be managed. These tags are created according to each company’s definition of candidate groups and can be removed at any time. In addition, a tag can be applied to multiple candidates, and a candidate can have multiple tags. 

Best Practices: How do I utilize tags? 

There are two ways to access this feature:

A. Via the Event’s “Total Interaction” table

  1. Go to Event

  2. Click on the name of the Event you would like to access the candidate list

  3. Click on the hyperlinked number under “Total Interactions”

  4. Select one or multiple candidates to add or remove tags

B. Via the Prospect table

  1. Go to Prospect 

  2. Select one or multiple candidates to add or remove tags

Tips on how to organize candidates with tags:

1. Use short, straightforward and easy-to-understand tags 

Tags should be short, straightforward, and easy to understand because they are supposed to help you recognize which candidate belongs to which group with just a quick look. 

We recommend using these tags, which are also most commonly used by our customers: 

  • Qualified

  • Interviewed

  • Hired

  • Tentative

  • Rejected

2. Quickly remove tags for groups and individuals

To quickly remove all tags, choose the candidate(s) and click “Remove Tags.” Make sure to click “Proceed” to save changes. 

To remove a single tag, click on the individual candidate, click on any tag in the tag box, and remove the chosen ones. Make sure to click “Submit” to save changes. 

You can also watch this video for further illustration

3. Filter candidates with tags

Just like filtering data in a spreadsheet, you can also filter out candidates specifically labeled with a tag. This comes in handy when you need to see a specific group of candidates, do headcounts, or export data to CSV file for further analysis. 

To view candidates assigned with any specific tags, access the prospect table of the Event (go to “Event” → click “Total Interactions”) and type in the name of the tag in the tag box, and hit enter to view the filtered table. Note that you can only filter with one tag at a time.

Bottom Line

Although tagging might seem like a simple feature on the surface, it reveals itself to be powerful and useful as you explore further. It is one of the many features that will surely help you become better at managing your candidates' data on our platform. Stay tuned on our frequent product feature update newsletter to learn what’s new! 

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