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Best Practice #5: Using Rakuna Recruit Mobile App
Best Practice #5: Using Rakuna Recruit Mobile App
Written by Rakuna Recruit
Updated over 6 months ago

In our previous Best Practice #4: Event Creation, we explained in details the importance and benefits of the Post-Event/Interview Messaging Template and shared with you tips on how your team can best utilize it. The Messaging Template is one of our customers’ favorite features as it allows recruiters to quickly follow-up and personally connect with students post-event.

Continuing the Best Practice series, in this article, we will discuss Rakuna Recruit Mobile App (Rakuna Recruit). Many would think that Rakuna Recruit can only be used by the Recruiting Coordinators only at small to large career fairs when in fact, there are many ways in different environments in which you can utilize it. Thus, this Best Practice #5 describes various ways you can optimize our app at different types of recruiting events to best engage with your candidates.  

About Rakuna Recruit Mobile App

Rakuna Recruit, available for both iOS and Android mobile devices, allows recruiters to be 100% engaged with candidates while collecting required information at fingertips. The paperless and forward-thinking technology will impress your tech-savvy millennial prospects and improve the overall candidate experience. 

The app’s key features and benefits include:

  1. Instant Candidate Resume Capture: Eliminate the need for manual data entry with an easy snapshot and OCR technology;

  2. Qualify Candidates in Real-Time: Manage your stream of candidates instantly for optimal evaluation;

  3. Easy Data Access: Swipe through your candidates on the app within seconds;

  4. Online and Offline Support: Capture and evaluate candidates, and save data on both online and offline modes.

Best Practices: How do I use Rakuna Recruit in different situations? 

1. Using Rakuna Recruit at Career Fairs

It is the most ideal that you have an estimated number of prospects going to attend the event before it even starts. You can check with the event’s organizer to have the number or if you are hosting your own, make use of the “Pre-Event Registration Link”  by putting the registration link on your website or include it in your pre-event promotional emails and have prospects register there first.

During the event: 

  1. At events with less than 50 candidates: We recommend having a minimum of 1-2 recruiters using Rakuna Recruit. Use Snapshot Mode to capture a quick resume. Only use the “Manual Input” mode if the prospects forget to bring their resume or carry e-resume on their mobile devices. 

  2. At events with 50-100 candidates: We recommend having a minimum of 2-4 recruiters using the Rakuna Recruit. Use Snapshot Mode to capture a quick resume. Only use the “Manual Input” mode if the prospects forget to bring their resume or carry an e-resume on their mobile devices. 

  3. At events with 100+ candidates: We recommend having a minimum of 5 recruiters using the app. If you are getting a large number of prospects visiting your booth at the same time, you may want to have your mobile device on the Offline Mode and take resume snapshots. By doing this, you will avoid the lagging time of the app parsing all the information at the same time while in its online mode.  

  4. Set-up iPad stations for prospects to enter their information: If you are unable to arrange enough human resources to interact with each prospect, we also recommend setting-up iPad standing stations for prospects to enter their information. In case there isn’t enough time for face-to-face interaction and students don’t bring enough paper resumes to leave at your booth, let them record their information on the iPads, and you can always follow-up later with your Post-Event email

2. Using Rakuna Recruit at Info/Networking Sessions

Besides Career Fairs, Info Sessions and Networking Sessions are also other types of events in which you can utilize Rakuna Recruit. 

At the Info/Networking session, you can:

  1. Set-up iPads at the entrance for prospects to check-in and fill in the Form manually on the app pre-event. Make sure to leave out some questions that are not appropriate for candidates to answer, such as the “5-star rating” question. 

  2. Pass iPads around so prospects can fill in the form while the event is happening. Make sure to leave out some questions that are not appropriate for candidates to answer, such as the “5-star rating” question.  

Here are a few generic questions we recommend Recruiters to consider for your Form at this type of event:

  • Position sought? (Internship, Full-time, Part-time, Co-op)

  • VISA sponsorship required? (Yes/No)

  • Location interest? (If the company is hiring for multiple offices)

  • Willing to relocate? (Yes/No)

  • Interested job function? (The list of job function your company offers to the targeted audience of the recruiting event)

3. Using Rakuna Recruit at Events With No Access to Internet

At events that have poor or no internet access, use the app in the Offline Mode. To use the app in Offline Mode, make sure you log into the app while still having access to the internet (you can do this while at the office), and then turn the wifi/cellular data function completely off on your phone to use the Offline Mode. 

Note: If the Wifi that you're using can't reach Rakuna's server, Rakuna Recruit will automatically switch to Offline Mode.

When your phone is in the Offline Mode, you will still be able to take a resume snapshot or manually input the information as usual. However, note that the information will only be saved locally on your device. 

To sync an event’s interactions and upload to the web app, simply open Rakuna Recruit again when the internet is available, and your data will be synced automatically. You can check and verify this by heading to the "Event Interactions" screen from the menu sidebar. In addition, when syncing your snapshot interactions onto the database, expect that there might be a bit of lagging in time to give your dashboard some time to process your snapshots. 

(The prospect’s information has been synced and uploaded onto the Dashboard)

4. Using Rakuna Recruit to Collect Data Post-Event

If you cannot arrange enough human resources like all of our aforementioned recommendations, one way to use our app is to collect data post-event (this works for both career fairs and networking events):

  1. Collect all resumes and take notes on your sticky notes if you want;

  2. Go back to the office and use the app within 10 days from the start date of the event to capture resumes and evaluation notes.

If you don't have time to go back to the office and do it on your own, send the resume package to your back-office person so they can use the Rakuna app to scan and log all the information into the system for you. Make sure that the back-office person also has his/her own login account with the right level of permission

After 10 days from the event Start time, your event on the mobile app will expire and disappear, and you will no longer be able to capture resumes. All of your candidates’ captured data will be in the Web Dashboard. 

5. Using Speech-to-Text

The speech-to-text feature lets you stay hands-free and focused during candidate interactions at events. With a simple tap of the microphone icon in any text field, you can effortlessly transcribe candidates' responses or record your personal notes.

How to Use Speech-to-Text:

  1. Tap the microphone icon in any text field.

  2. Begin speaking to transcribe responses or take notes.

  3. Review and edit the text as needed.

Key Benefits:

  • Hands-Free Engagement: Stay fully present while interacting with candidates.

  • Multi-language Support: Transcribe conversations in various languages, ensuring accurate records no matter the language spoken.

Bottom Line

Rakuna Recruit app is an easy-to-use and intuitive app. It allows recruiters to easily take snapshots of all candidates’ resumes, manage prospects' data in seconds, and qualify them in real-time for offline recruiting events. In addition, the app also helps recruiters focus more on engaging candidates and not worry about manual tasks post-event. As an added bonus, the cutting-edge technology impresses prospective candidates and other companies, making you appeal to all as a tech-savvy company with modern practices.  

No matter which type of offline recruiting events you attend, Rakuna Recruit will be able to transform to your needs and adapt to all environments. Make sure to try out all of our Best Practices and see which works out best for you. 

Can’t find your questions or concerns in this best practice? Worry not! Send your questions to, and we’ll respond right away.

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