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Best Practice #2: Evaluation Form Creation
Best Practice #2: Evaluation Form Creation

The second Best Practice article will go into details on creating and utilizing the Evaluation Form at your offline recruiting events.

Written by Minh Tong
Updated over 7 months ago

In our first Best Practice of the series, Best Practice #1: How To Capture High-Quality Resume Snapshots With Your Smart Devices For Accurate Resume Parsing Results, we have explained in-depth our app’s best feature, “Resume Snapshot,” the technology behind it, and help you learn how to make the most use out of it at your offline recruiting events. 

Continuing the Best Practice series, our second article will go into details on creating and utilizing the Evaluation Form at your offline recruiting events.

About Evaluation Form 

An Evaluation Form or Form is a set of customized questions that recruiters can create to be used during face-to-face interactions with candidates at offline recruiting events as well as during any online/offline interviews. A form can be created and customized with different types of questions and can be assigned to multiple events.

By using the Evaluation Form, recruiters can standardize evaluation questions across company representatives and interviewers, save time from collecting scribble notes on paper, and complete candidate profiles with evaluation information, all on one streamlined platform. Our Rakuna Recruit App is designed to make the recruiter’s recruitment process easy and fast, thus increasing their efficiency as well as the overall candidate experience. 

Best Practices: How Can I Optimize The Evaluation Form Feature? 

In this best practice, we will be referring to two types of events:

  1. Offline recruiting events: such as career fairs/expos/conferences, any event that you attend to interact directly with prospects. 

  2. Interviews: in which recruiters can conduct online or offline with candidates.

In order to best use the Evaluation Form for your recruiting events and activities, here are 7 basic best practices to follow:

1. Only include key evaluating questions at offline recruiting events 

When using the form for recruiters to engage with candidates at offline recruiting events, it is best to only include key evaluating questions for information you cannot obtain from prospective candidates’ resumes. By keeping the form short and concise, you save time inputting the candidates’ information into the system and focus more on actually interacting with them in person. 

As this is not an official interview yet, we believe it is more important to focus more on the candidate experience rather than trying to complete all questions on the form. 

Here are a few generic questions we recommend recruiters to consider for your Evaluation Form:

  • Position sought? (Internship, Full-time, Part-time, Co-op)

  • VISA sponsorship required? (Yes/No)

  • Location interest? (If the company is hiring for multiple offices)

  • Willing to relocate? (Yes/No)

  • Interested job function? (The list of job function your company offers to the targeted audience of the recruiting event)

  • Candidate rating (1-5 stars)

  • Qualified for an interview? (Yes/No)

  • Additional comments (Optional) 

As a note, if you plan to use the Form as a student-facing app rather than a recruiter-facing app, i.e., to check-in participants or to pass the device around for students to capture their resumes and complete the form by themselves, you might want to leave unsuitable questions such as “Candidate rating” or “Qualified for an interview?” for the Recruiter Form.

2. Keep evaluation questions to 15 words

To optimize your experience when viewing the form on the mobile app, it is highly recommended that you limit the length of your questions in the form to 15 words maximum. 

Questions longer than 15 words will still be displayed, but will expand the form and make it look bulky, which can affect your overall experience when using the Rakuna Recruit app.

3. No need to have questions asking for the prospect’s Full name, Email and Phone number  

When creating the Form, there is no need to create questions asking for the prospect’s Full Name, Email, and Phone number as these fields are already included in the mobile app form by default. Same with when creating the form for interviews, when interviewers log in the interviewer’s assessment form of the candidate, there is no need to have questions asking basic information such as Full Name, Email and Phone number as these are already included in the candidate’s profile page in our web app. 

In addition, with the assistance of the app’s OCR technology, which extracts information from resume snapshots, there is also no need to create input fields for Institution, Major, Graduation Year and GPA. Some students do not put their GPA on their resume and if that information is important for your organization, you can still have a question field for that or simply put it into the “Additional comments” field.

4. Use a short, concise and consistent Form naming method  

As you start attending more events and conducting more interviews, which might require creating different forms, it can get confusing having to pick and choose from a long list of many forms. Thus, we highly recommend recruiters use a short, concise, and consistent method when naming the Evaluation Form. 

Note that when looking at the list of Forms in the Create an Event or Create an Interview page, the Forms are currently ordered from the most recently created to the oldest. 

5. View Forms on the web app 

One of the most frequently asked questions we get about Forms from recruiters is “How do I organize my forms to show only Draft forms or Published forms?” The best way is to use the filter option to select whether you would like to see the Published form only or Draft only or see all forms. 

In addition, when viewing all forms at the same time, you can also distinguish the two form types by looking at the color-coded tags (blue for Published and orange for Orange). 

6. Save Form as a draft if the information is not confirmed yet

On the “Create a Form” page, once you click “Publish”, you will not be able to make any further edits. Thus, utilize the “Save as Draft” button to save the form and only click “Publish” once you finish checking the form and confirm all the necessary information. 

If you have published a form and need to make changes later, you can utilize the “Duplicate Form” function to save time from creating a new one from scratch. 

With forms that you no longer need, you can choose to archive them by opening the specific form, click “Edit Form” and then “Archive Form.” By doing this, the form will not be completely deleted but rather hidden from the list of published forms as well as stored in our system. To access and reactive archived form, please email for support.   

7. Utilize the “Duplicate Form” function   

“Duplicate Form” is a useful tool to save you time when you need to create similar forms with those you have previously created. This also comes in handy if you accidentally publish a form and need to make necessary changes as utilizing this function will allow you to replicate the form and make new edits. 

Bottom Line

What makes Rakuna Recruit App different from other HR Tech products in the market is to adapt to users’ customized needs through our flexible, customizable and easy-to-use features. Besides Resume Snapshot, our app’s best feature, Evaluation Form is also another feature well-loved by many of our customers. It is a useful, easy-to-use and convenient feature that allows recruiters to input data both in the online and offline setting, save candidate’s information all in one streamlined platform, and access their information anytime and anywhere. Thus, when creating Evaluation Forms, always keep in mind the tips we have shared with you in this Best Practice to optimize this feature and have successful recruitment events. 

Can’t find your questions or concerns in this best practice? Worry not! Send us your questions to and we’ll respond right away. 

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